What's Your Breastfeeding Issue?

Let me see....my breastfeeding issues were....

sore nipples



leaking milk

baby wouldn't latch on....

Must I go on! Must I relive the pain and frustration!

At one point, I was so frustrated with trying to get my baby to latch on that my feet started sweating!

But guess what? I overcame those issues. (Of course after 3 kids who wouldn't) And you'll conquer your breast feeding problems too!

You will become a breastfreeding pro!

When your breast are engorged from too much milk, you'll know exactly what to do.

When you have to go out in public with your nursing baby in tow, you'll know exactly what to wear to make nursing more comfortable for you!

When you have to go back to work, but dare not feed you baby formula, you'll know exactly how to pump and store your milk to keep you and your little precious happy.

All of these issues and more have simple solutions, and we'll take this journey together.

The world of breastfeeding is much more simpler and convenient than the world of formula feeding. And cheaper too!

I'm not knocking those who choose to feed their babies formula. But I belong to the more simplistic world of breast feeding. And so do you.

Up to this point I have successfully breastfed 3 kids (2 of them are still nursing), and I still have some of those issues....like engorgement. But I know exactly how to relieve the irritation without breaking a sweat....on my feet that is.;)

Your breast feeding question is waiting to be answered.

So let's get started before the baby wakes up looking for milk.

Stay Home with Your Baby!

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