How to Increase Breast Milk EASY!

how to increase breastmilk

How to increase breast milk by eating chocolate chip cookies sound like a better question to me!

And it is very possible!

Here are a bunch of ways to help increase your breast milk supply, including eating cookies:

Take Blessed Thistle Capsules

Take Fenugreek Capsules

Take Fennel Capsules

Take Alfalfa Capsules

Take More Milk Plus Vegetarian Capsules. A combination of Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle, and Fennel, that will have you producing more milk in 2-3 days or less!

If you don't like swallowing pills, here are some alternatives that work just as well, if not better!:

Eat lactation cookies! Yes. There is a such thing as milk producing cookies. These yummy cookies will get your milk flowing after you eat about 5 to 6 cookies. That's not too hard, now is it?

Pump in between feedings in order to tell your body you need more milk produced

Drink Sacred Tea for Nursing Mothers. This tea was actually voted the #1 selling product!

Drink Milkmaid Tea

Drink Black Seed Tea

increase breastmilk

But let me ask you a question first. Why do you want to increase your breast milk?

If you have said the following things to yourself, then there is no reason for you to have an issue about how to increase breast milk....because your milk is producing just fine:

My baby seems hungry all the time.
That's okay. Your body produces breast milk based on the law of supply and demand.

Let me say that again, because this one thing is extremely important to remember. Especially if you have never breastfed or been around other women who have.

Your body produces breast milk based on the law of supply and demand.

That means that if your baby isn't demanding a lot of milk, your body won't supply or make a lot of milk. So nurse alot! Breastmilk digests quickly, so feed your baby when they want to nurse.

My breasts don't feel full like they used to.
That's okay. Your body has adjusted to your baby's eating habits. and demand.

When I pump it doesn't seem like alot of milk comes out into the bottles.
That's okay. If you pumped as many times as your baby nurse throughout the day, your pumped milk would add up very quickly.

Now, if you have said these following things to yourself, then there is a reason for you to have an issue about how to increase breast milk:

I'm not going to be with my baby all the time because of work, going out, or whatever and I want to store alot of milk for back up.

I want to increase my breast milk supply in order to help a friend who needs milk for her baby, donate my milk or sell it.

I just want to know how to increase breast milk.

increasing breastmilk

Ok. Here they are again:

Take Blessed Thistle Capsules

Take Fenugreek Capsules

Take Fennel Capsules

Take Alfalfa Capsules

Take More Milk Plus Vegetarian Capsules

Don't like taking pills, do these:

Eat lactation cookies

Pump in between feedings

Drink Sacred Tea for Nursing Mothers

Drink Milkmaid Tea

Drink Black Seed Tea

Any one of these solutions will help you increase your breast milk quick!

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